
Ski & snowboard

Just 10 km. Of the center of the town, the Batea Mahuida Snow Park is located, administered by the Puel Mapuche community. Located at 1900 m.s.n.m immense white blanket allows the practice of all types of ski: Alpine, Nordic and snowboard.

They have two means of elevation, a ski school run by instructors of the same community and a confectionery at the base of the hill with all the services. Among other alternatives, snowshoe excursions can be made to the volcano and the pehuenes forests.

In the summer season, it becomes a very special recreational place, where the visitor can approach the foot of the volcano and enter until the same lagoon of the crater. From the top can be seen the colossal volcanoes Lanín, Villarrica, Llaima and Llonquimay. It is also possible to visit the paradisiacal places that are there between forests and trails, which can be done by car or on horseback.


The village and its surroundings allow the visitor to enjoy it by different paths of different difficulty, which will lead you through the ancient forest to various tourist and recreational points of interest, such as: beaches, viewpoints or picnic areas.

You can also walk trails crossing points of cultural interest in territories of the Puel Mapuche community, walking through immense forests of araucarias, lengas and coihues. Strolling along these paths, visitors will discover the secrets of the forest and the people who live in it, you can share the beautiful wilderness and enjoy rivers and waterfalls, the union of lakes Aluminé and Moquehue, or simply enjoy the imposing Mountains that are part of this incomparable landscape.

Mountain bike

For lovers of both wheels there are stings with strong and constant slopes, and others of lesser difficulty appropriate for those who prefer to simply walk. The village owns a circuit where a date of the provincial championship runs.

You can make descents from the mountains that surround the region enjoying nature, between streams and araucarias, with a unique soil of volcanic sediment, observing the lakes that bathe the coasts of this village, in an environment of tranquility and silence for enjoyment of the athlete.


This activity is carried out in the crystalline waters of the Aluminé River, internationally recognized by fans of this sport. It offers stretches for experienced visitors who seek to raise adrenaline to the maximum, riding waves and rocks; And other less demanding stretches, suitable for novice tourists or simply wanting to stroll along the river.

The peak of the activity is in the months of October, November and December where the river comes with its maximum flow.

In the remaining months, there are lower descents.


Lakes, lagoons, rivers and streams make up a variety of fishing environments that becomes irresistible for lovers of this activity. The species that live in our waters are exotic rainbow trout, brown and fontinalis, and the native species, perch.

The fishing modalities that can be practiced are: spinning, trolling and flycasting, excursions through lakes, floating in rivers and streams or simply fishing from the shore in the places allowed.

This activity can be done during the regular fishing season (from November to May) and also throughout the year (with compulsory return).

Horseback riding

This activity proposes to discover the village through paths that are lost in the mountain, to reach different corners where you will experience feelings of peace and tranquility. Crossing immense araucaria forests, observing the distinctive native flora, until arriving at one of the most outstanding panoramic sites, the top of the Batea Mahuida volcano, and from there appreciate the beauty of the Andes mountain range and the Alumine and Moquehue lakes.


The lakes Aluminé and Moquehue offer calm waters and an unbeatable landscape for navigation in boats with or without motor. Our visitors will be able to enjoy the islands and dazzle with the innumerable beaches of white sand that draw the outline of these magnificent mirrors of water.